These are all words that describe the WRISE network. The list could go on, but the truth behind each of these words is that this is a phenomenal community.
We wish sometimes that everyone could see it through our eyes – to be surrounded by amazing women – to travel the country meeting women and men who all care deeply about the transition to a renewable energy future.
And all this during what could not be a more fascinating time – the conversations around women in the workplace and climate change are BOTH a significant part of the mix of our current cultural consciousness. The challenges can seem heavy and daunting but in that kind of space the opportunities are abundant.
The success of renewable energy and the ability to address these challenges depends on our bringing together and retaining as many great minds, different backgrounds, and varied perspectives as possible. An important part of that is increasing the number of women at all levels of the renewable energy workforce. Research and reports from MIT and Catalyst show that having more women on teams is correlated with better decision making and improved financial performance.
WRISE is here because we believe that a diversified workforce is a strategic key to building a robust renewable energy economy.
Member Center
The WRISE Member Center is a space for WRISE members to build community, share resources, and network online. The space includes our online member directory and webinar archive as well as tools for creating discussions on any topic. This is also the key access point for registering for the WRISE Mentoring Program. This space is intended as a special benefit for our paid members and requires a log-in. If you are having trouble logging in our accessing – feel free to reach out to us at membership@WRISEnergy.org
Levels and Benefits
All WRISE memberships are at an individual level. We also have a revenue-sharing program with our individual chapters, so when you sign up be sure you are connected to your local chapter.
When you become a WRISE individual member, not only are your supporting our mission, you are gaining access to a powerful network of men and women committed to the success of renewable energy.
General Gifts and Donations
For individual donors, families, and private foundations, WRISE offers the opportunity to help build a renewable energy future for North America and the world by supporting women’s education and advancement in the field of renewable energy. Your charitable gift to WRISE will support education, career development, mentoring, and collaboration for women across the renewable energy space. WRISE is a 501(c)3 Public Charity so all donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.