WRISE Member Profile: Meet Krista Zappone

Krista Zappone
Operations and Maintenance Manager
WRISE Member
How did you get involved with WRISE?
I was first told about WRISE during my time at Northwest Renewable Energy Institute (NWREI). The first part of my career had me very busy, but when I happened to be in Las Vegas during the WINDPOWER 2014 conference I knew I had to check it out and I bought a last minute ticket to the annual Luncheon.
What is your favorite part of WRISE?
My favorite event so far has been the leadership conference, it was an incredible workshop and I truly value what I learned there. But as far as my favorite part about WRISE is the opportunity to meet so many impressive women from across the industry, to make valuable connections, and to share and hear what people’s experiences have been.
How did you get started in the field?
I have an education in Women and Gender Studies and three minors, toward the end of my time in college I attended a promotional seminar for NWREI. As soon as I saw the picture of a hub entry above the clouds I knew that I wanted to be a technician. Shortly after graduating I started working as a contract worker for then SOS staffing. I was offered a permanent position with Senvion after gaining a few months experience, after accepting it I packed up my car and drove through Canada to interior Alaska.
If you could give a high five to any person dead or alive who would it be?
Picking just one person is hard, but I would give Alice Paul a huge high five.
If your life had a theme song what would it be?
Right now the theme song for my life is ‘Radioactive’ by Imagine Dragons