WRISE Member Profile: Meet Ali Rodrian

Meet Ali Rodrian
Assistant Project Manager, Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc
WRISE Member, Ohio Chapter Leader
How did you get involved with WRISE?
I first met WRISE members at a local AWEA State symposium and was intrigued by the concept of a career building organization that was so specific to the industry and for women, as well as, how there were so few members in the Ohio area, which meant there was lots of opportunity to lead the local area.
What is your favorite part of WRISE?
The size and high quality of the members, not so large that you get lost in the weeds and many of the members are highly experienced women in the field (VPs, CEOs, Senior Managers, etc…).
How did you get started in this field?
My background is in ornithology, I studied birds for many years, and thru some networking met a project manager named Doug McIlvain at Tetra Tech. I showed up at his office one day and he told me about his wind energy clients and the need for avian and eagle surveys in order to reduce mortality at wind farms. I never imagined that as an ornithologist that I would one day be working in the renewable energy industry. But the information hat Doug gave me was intriguing so I did some research on my own. When Doug and I spoke he didn’t have any job openings at the time, so I didn’t except to ever hear from him again, but to my surprise a month later Doug calls me and offers me a job conducting avian surveys for wind farm pre-construction. Seven years later here I am still working in the industry.
If you could give a high five to any person dead or alive who would it be?
Abraham Lincoln. He would have to kneel down so that this 4’11” little woman could give a high five to him, but still would be awesome, cause that guy did what was right in order to change the world for the better, knowing what it would cost.
If your life had a theme song what would it be?
Not sure but if I had give my life a theme it would be “larger than life” – cause there is so much more to me than anyone ever expects.