WRISE Opens New Doors for Women in Solar and Wind || Sierra Club Magazine

Growing up, I was a math and science nerd who loved being outdoors. I had great teachers who encouraged me to explore engineering as a path for doing environmental work, and I got excited about renewable energy as a technological solution to climate change. So I went to Cornell to get an engineering degree. Once […]

SEIA’s Women’s Empowerment Summit is headed to Chicago || November 13, 2018

Forums on the importance of workforce diversity and ways for businesses to become more inclusive appear alongside sessions on energy storage and microgrid expansion at conferences. A step forward for diversity and inclusion, opportunities for growth remain in the solar industry. Last Fall, the Solar Foundation reported on industry diversity. Amidst other findings, data shows […]

Strengthening Clean Energy with a Diverse Workforce || GreenMoney

According to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), renewable electricity generation from technologies that are commercially available today, in combination with a more flexible grid, is more than adequate to supply 80 percent of total U.S. electricity generation in 2050. Children who are currently in elementary school will be in their 40s by 2050, bringing […]

Women look to close renewable energy’s employment gender gap || Energy News Network

Women make up about a third of U.S. wind and solar energy jobs, higher than other technology fields. Sarah Fischer’s journey into the renewable energy field began with a high school French teacher whose husband had been a child slave in Haiti. The couple opened Fischer’s eyes to human rights and international development issues and […]

Winter 2018 WRISE Movers and Shakers

Former Women of the Year Dora Nakfuji is now Executive Strategy Consultant with Kamehameha Schools. Terry Denning founded Wind Wayze LLC. 2018 WRISE Sponsor Orrick was named North America’s Most Innovative Law Firm by Financial Times. Teran Smith is now Senior Director of Origination at Scout Clean Energy. 2017 Leadership Forum Sponsor Geronimo Energy funded […]

Houston Chapter Holds Lunch ‘n’ Learn on “Navigating Renewable Energy Policy”

On December 14th, the Houston Chapter hosted a successful Lunch and Learn on Renewable Energy Policy. Panelists shared their insights on the current energy policy landscape, as well as efforts the industry has undertaken to promote stability and growth for wind and solar resources. Their discussion highlighted recent policy challenges and opportunities and explored our […]

Wind Proves Its Worth || SWE

“I decided to be an engineer during high school, in large part because I had incredible science and math teachers who helped me make the connection between my passion for the outdoors and environmental work and a career,” Kristen Graf, executive director, Women of Renewable Industries and Sustainable Energy (WRISE) and a mechanical engineer, said. […]